Serviio - free DLNA media server for Windows, Mac and Linux

Media Streaming Server

Version 0.2 released

I'm able to announce that version 0.2 is ready for download now. This version brings mainly new development based on feature requests from the forum users.

The first big change is that renderer profiles are now editable. If you manage to create a profile for your device please consider submitting it in the forum, so that it can be included in a future release among the other officially supported profiles.

Serviio now also supports automatic renderer detection (for certain devices).

Due to a high demand I've also implemented a file-system like browsing (category Folders) which should help those users who already have their library set up the way they like it and don't need Serviio's other browsing options.

Complete release notes are here.

Version 0.1.1 released

I'm happy to announce release of version 0.1.1. This is mainly bug fixing release, although it contains also some small (and hopefully useful) improvements. Release notes are here.

As always, let me know about any issues or feature requests in the forum.

Version 0.1 released

So after a few months of development I'm happy to announce the first release of Serviio. The feature set of this version is mainly based on what I personally need for streaming of media to my Samsung TV (the software provided by Samsung is not very good ;-) ). I have also implemented limited support for XBox 360 (images & video, audio will be in a next release).

Currently I have no idea how well it will work with other DLNA / UPnP devices - I basically implemented the DLNA spec but some manufacturers might have a specific protocol enhancements. It would be great if you can try it out with your DLNA device and let me know in the Forum how it goes. I will try to implement more renderer profiles if I get the information from you guys.

Also no transcoding is supported yet, I'm thinking about it and will implement it for a future release if there is enough demand.

That's it for now, happy streaming.

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